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fashion - Page 7

  • Chanel Chief Executive Maureen Chiquet will leave the company by the end of January [#Chanel #US]

    French luxury goods maker Chanel said on Wednesday that Chief Executive Maureen Chiquet will leave the company by the end of January, the New York Times reported.

    Chiquet, who has been CEO since 2007, is leaving "due to differences of opinion about the strategic direction of the company," the NYT quoted Chanel as saying.

    Chairman Alain Wertheimer will take over operational responsibilities as the company seeks a new leader, the Times reported.

    The news of Chiquet's departure came just a day after Chanel exhibited its latest haute couture collection in Paris.

    Chanel could not immediately be reached for comment outside regular business hours.


    A Francophile since childhood, Maureen Chiquet has climbed the ladder of the fashion industry to lead the world’s most glamorous brand

    Ever since she was a child, Maureen Chiquet has had a love affair with all things French. As a young girl, she dreamt of “living in Paris and being French”, she told Time in 2010.

    Her other passion was the visual arts, and she hoped she would one day have a career in “creating beautiful products and images”. Now, as the CEO of France’s most famous fashion house, the 50-year-old American businesswomen might feel that she has fulfilled the ambitions of her childhood self.

    Passport to Paris
    Born Kathryn Daughtery Maureen Chiquet in St Louis, Missouri, in 1963, she went on to be educated at the prestigious Yale University in Connecticut. Shortly after being named CEO of Chanel in 2007, she spoke to the alumni magazine about her career. She said her time at the university had been particularly fruitful: “One thing that’s unique about Yale in my memory was the access you get to great minds. There was never a hurdle. Maybe that environment creates that feeling of power to do things that are extraordinary.”

    Graduating with a degree in film and literature, she was unsure of what to do next in her career: she walked out of one of her LSAT law exams. Instead, she found an internship in the city she had dreamt of living in since a child, as marketing intern at L’Oreal Paris. Speaking to Time, she described that moment as “the beginning of my career and love affair with the world of beauty and fashion”.


  • [#luxe]- Classement des Marques de luxe Promise Consulting - BNP Exane - Exclusivité & Désirabilité - Chine 2015

    BAROMETRE PROMISE CONSULTING - BNP EXANE : "Exclusivité & Désirabilité" 2015

    Les Chinoises les plus fortunées classent les marques de Luxe dans l'univers de la Mode

    Extrait du Livre Blanc de l'étude "Exclusivité & Désirabilité - Chine 2015" menée par Promise Consuiting - BNP Exane auprès des femmes chinoises les plus fortunées dans l'univers de la Mode.


    Paris le 03 Novembre 2015 10:00 AM - En collaboration avec BNP Exane, un acteur majeur de la Finance de Marché en Europe, spécialiste reconnu de la recherche et de l'analyse sectorielle du marché du luxe, Promise Consulting, société de conseil et d'études en marketing, publie les résultats de la 2ème vague du Baromètre Promise Consulting - BNP Exane "Exclusivité & Désirabilité 2015". 

    Ce baromètre met en avant les 15 premières marques jugées les plus exclusives et les plus désirables en Chine dans l’univers de la Mode féminine. Ce Baromètre est établi auprès des femmes chinoises les plus fortunées et porte sur les 30 marques de prêt-à-porter, sacs, chaussures et accessoires dans l’univers du luxe qui ont le plus fortement investi en communication (Source : Industry Interviews, Exane Paribas). Promise Consulting et BNP Exane avaient conduit la même étude auprès des femmes Françaises au cours du mois de Mai 2015 (http://bit.ly/1ESTZGu).

    "Ce baromètre traduit notre volonté de rapprocher le Marketing et l'Analyse Sectorielle et Financière. Notre approche Monitoring Brand Assets® se révèle très complémentaire des analyses menées par les experts de BNP Exane : les résultats de notre baromètre commun, appréhendés selon deux angles différents, marketing et financier, apportent une valeur ajoutée unique aux dirigeants et aux décideurs dans le secteur du Luxe. Plus concrètement, notre mesure de l'exclusivité d'une marque prend en compte la qualité supérieure et constante des produits, la valorisation forte et unique du client, le prestige de la marque, mais également un savoir-faire inimité, qui justifient en retour un prix très élevé associé au grand luxe. Notre mesure de la désirabilité synthétise les dimensions de l'attractivité d'ordre intime, social et symbolique, qui sont la force des marques exclusives et caractérisent la relation particulière qu'elles entretiennent avec leur public. Notre Baromètre combine, au moyen de deux échelles, des critères nombreux permettant d'établir un classement des marques de luxe du point de vue de leurs clientes" déclare Pr Philippe Jourdan, CEO de Promise Consulting.



    • Hermès, 1ère marque sur le critère de grand luxe / exclusivité auprès des Chinoises fortunées.
    • En 2ème et 3ème position, Louis Vuitton et Chanel sont au coude-à-coude.
    • En 4ème et 5ème position, Prada et Dior ferment la marche des 5 marques les plus exclusives.


    • Chanel est la marque la plus désirable dans l'univers de la Mode en Chine.
    • En 2ème position, Hermès capitalise sur sa forte association au grand luxe.
    • Au coude-à-coude, Prada, Louis Vuitton et Dior complètent le top 5.
    • Burberry est la 6ème marque la plus désirable (9ème place en exclusivité).

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  • [#luxury]- Barometer of the Luxury brands - Promise Consulting - BNP Exane - Exclusivity & Desirability - China 2015



    Extract  of the Survey Report "Exclusivity & Desirability - China 2015"  conducted by Promise Consuiting - BNP Exane - Interview of the wealthiest chinese women about the luxury brands in fashion universe.


    Paris, November 3rd, 2015 10:00 AM – Promise Consulting, an acknowledged consulting and market research firm, joins forces with BNP Exane, a key actor of the financial market in Europe and a specialist in research and analyses on the European luxury sector, to publish the 2nd wave of the Promise - BNP Exane Barometer "Exclusivity & Desirability 2015". This barometer classifies the 15 most exclusive and desirable brands in China in the universe of feminine Fashion. This Barometer is conducted amongst the wealthiest Chinese women, and is about the 30 luxury brands in ready-to-wear/handbags/shoes/accessories that have invested the most in communication (source: Industry Interviews, Exane Paribas). Promise and BNP Exane already conducted the same survey amongst French women in May 2015 (http://bit.ly/1ESTZGu).

    ”This barometer in association with BNP Exane reflects our determination to move closer to the marketing and cross-section financial analysis. Our Monitoring Brand Assets® approach itself features very complementary analyzes with those conducted by BNP Exane’s experts. Hence, the obtained results from our joined barometer are based on two different angles of expertise, marketing and financial, which brings a unique added value to the managers and decision-makers in the Luxury sector. More concretely, our measure of the exclusivity of a brand takes into account the upper and more constant quality of products, the strong and unique valuation of the customer, the brand’s prestige, but also a matchless “savoir-faire” that justifies a very high price premium associated with top luxury. Finally, our measure of desirability synthesizes the dimensions of attractiveness of an intimate, social and symbolic nature, which are the strengths of exclusive brands, and characterize the particular relation that they maintain with their customers. In this respect, our Barometer synthesizes, in two proven scales, the numerous criteria to establish a ranking between the high-end brands from their customer’s point of view", states Pr. Philippe Jourdan, Promise’s CEO.


    • Hermes, 1st brand on the luxury / exclusivity criterion amongst the wealthiest Chinese women.
    • Respectively 2nd and 3rd, Louis Vuitton and Chanel are neck to neck.
    • Respectively 4th and 5th, Prada and Dior complete the ranking of the 5 most exclusive brands.


    • Chanel is the most desirable Fashion brand in China.
    • Ranked 2nd, Hermes capitalizes on its strong association with high luxury.
    • Prada, Louis Vuitton and Dior are neck and neck and complete the top 5.
    • Burberry is the 6th most desirable brand (ranked 9th on exclusivity).

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