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  • Tiffany procures retail solutions for Trump Tower-related security measures | @tiffanyandco @cotyincpr



    Tiffany & Co.’s Fifth Avenue flagship’s proximity to Trump Towers has resulted in an unlikely branding effort for the U.S. jeweler.

    The jeweler’s iconic flagship, known for its cameos in Hollywood films and its annual holiday windows, finds itself on the same block as Trump Towers, the Midtown Manhattan home of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump. Since the election results were announced Nov. 8, protesters have been picketing outside the building, causing the Secret Service and New York Police Department to heighten security along Fifth Avenue, just in time for the holiday season.

    "The truth is that politics and business do not mix, and when those worlds collide, good things rarely happen," said Rob Frankel, branding strategist & expert at Frankel & Anderson, Los Angeles. "'Cause marketing' is a huge myth, often alienating as many (or more) prospects than it might attract. "Overall, I see this less as a political statement and more along the lines of the signs you see posted when a store is remodeling, which proclaim 'Pardon our dust! We're open for business!'" he said. "Nobody really notices and business doesn't improve until the signs are removed and foot traffic returns to normal."

    Branded barricades
    As a result of the extra security measures, storefronts near Trump Tower’s, including Tiffany and Gucci, which has its New York flagship within the tower, have seen decreased foot traffic as barricades deter shoppers and worsen congestion on the already busy thoroughfare in Midtown Manhattan.

    Barricades along the street caused Tiffany to cancel its holiday window reveal. While the store remains in business with normal hours, its sales are expected to take a hit this year, according to CNBC.

    In addition to the imposing presence of the metal blockades, security personnel have also been on heightened alert. Individuals headed to the luxury stores around the tower are the only ones getting through to the sidewalk, but this means potential shoppers enduring questioning by police before they are allowed to pass (Trump’s midtown Manhattan base causes problems for luxury retail).

    Tiffany, for one, has partnered with the New York City Police Department to make the most of the security presence by designing branded covers for the police barricades.

    The barricades, dressed in Tiffany blue slipcovers, have been positioned from 57th Street around to the jeweler’s entrance on Fifth Avenue, thus creating a Tiffany “safe zone.”

    Doing so provides a pathway for passersby to view Tiffany’s annual holiday windows. While this solution ensures some consumers get to experience its windows, Tiffany likely missed out on the attention and crowds that make it a point to see its display this year.

    The placement of the branded barricades also allows consumers to enter the flagship through its main entrance. Prior to the barricades being set up, consumers were encouraged to use the jeweler’s side entrance facing 57th Street.

    In a statement the jeweler said: “Tiffany is in frequent communication with the New York Police Department and U.S. Secret Service regarding safety and security along the perimeter of our Fifth Avenue flagship. We remain open for business with regular hours and welcome customers to enter the store via our 57th Street entrance while any barricades along Fifth Avenue are in place.

     “Our iconic flagship store windows, which feature sparkling scenes of New York City at the holidays, are now on display for all to see. Our façade has also been illuminated as planned.”

    Alternate viewings
    A digital solution has also been implemented to ensure that consumers who would rather not visit in person due to the barricades and upped police presence can still experience the windows

    Tiffany, Louis Vuitton and Cartier are among the 18 New York storefronts getting a digital audience this holiday season with help from Google. Google’s “Window Wonderland” recreates the feeling of strolling outside iconic retailers on a consumers’ desktop computer, mobile phone or tablet.

    While about 5 million tourists descend on New York this time of year, many located in other cities, states or countries will not be able to get to see these in person, making this Google experience the next best thing.


  • @Rituals Cosmetics extends its standalone stores presence in European #airports | @PLshopdinefly #beauty #promiseconsulting-blog


    Rituals Cosmetics has opened a 44sqm landside store at Eindhoven Airport in partnership with Lagardère. The store is large enough to offer the full Rituals product range.

    Rituals opened two new standalone stores on 23 November – a 23sqm store in Vienna Airport’s Plaza operated in partnership with Welcome Trading, and a 44sqm landside store at Eindhoven Airport in partnership with Lagardère. The Vienna store offers all the brand’s best-selling products, while the Eindhoven store is large enough to offer the full Rituals product range.

    “These are both important new openings for us,” says Neil Ebbutt, Director Wholesale for Rituals. “It brings our portfolio of standalone airport stores to seven and reflects the commitment we have to investing in this channel with our own stores. Airports are without doubt one of the most important channels for us to showcase Rituals to an international audience. The fact that there are some great international retail operators to partner with also makes it that much easier to bring more Rituals standalone stores to airports. These stores also allow us to offer a much wider product range and we have over 400 in total, each one inspired by an ancient Eastern tradition to transform every day routines into more meaningful moments. They include body care, skin care, pure tea, scented candles and fragrance sticks.”

    The stores offer a lifestyle shopping experience, with passengers at Vienna and Eindhoven able to immerse themselves in the brand’s mantra – transform daily routines into meaningful rituals. On entering the store, travellers are offered herbal teas and the opportunity to experience the products through complimentary hand massages. Of course, the stores are currently stocked with a range of gift sets for Christmas.

  • Les blogueuses beauté se cachent pour mourir | @Leblogdelaura

    Après la presse féminine, les marques de cosmétiques ont tout misé sur les blogs de beauté, puis sont passées à autre chose. C’est moche.

    blog, beute, cosmetique, maquillage, publicite

    19 décembre 2016

    Il y a dix-huit mois à peine, la situation était sous contrôle. Délaissant une presse papier vieillissante, les industriels de la cosmétique misaient tout sur les blogueuses et les youtubeuses. Des dizaines de sites et de chaînes beauté en ligne ouvraient chaque jour. Les postulantes à la gloire se bousculaient au portillon. Dans une ambiance de casting permanent, il suffisait aux marques de choisir les plus prometteuses, puis de les couvrir de cadeaux : échantillons gratuits, invitations au festival de Cannes, voyages à Hollywood et places de concert VIP.

    Les professionnels avaient tiré les leçons de quelques bides spectaculaires, comme celui du blog « Claire, le journal de ma peau », ouvert en 2005 par Vichy pour vanter un exfoliant. Pendant les trois semaines que durait le traitement, une pseudo-blogueuse contait le quotidien de son épiderme. Huées des internautes, discrédit, retraite piteuse. Trop léché et terriblement artificiel, le blog de Claire était, de surcroît, superflu. Pourquoi dépenser de l’argent pour créer une fausse « influenceuse », alors que les vraies se bousculent pour collaborer et qu’elles sont crédibles aux yeux du public ?


  • Are cosmetics ads subtly telling women they are flawed and require fixing? | by @HelenRingrow @Palgrave_

    A lot has been made of how airbrushed images in cosmetics advertising campaigns are setting beauty standards that are biologically impossible. But does that apply to the language used in the ads as well?

    A lot has been made of how airbrushed images in cosmetics advertising campaigns are setting beauty standards that are biologically impossible. But does that apply to the language used in the ads as well?

    A linguist from the University of Portsmouth believes the choice of words might also play a subliminal role in encouraging women to see themselves as “flawed and needing to be fixed”.

    Helen Ringrow, a lecturer in Communication Studies and Applied Linguistics, says the underlying theme in advertisements for women’s cosmetics was the constant need to fix problems including dry hair, lack of glow and poor skin. She said: “The language used tells women their faces, hair and bodies are always falling below some imaginary standard. It makes women feel they’re never quite measuring up, never quite right. “It also creates problems we never knew we had, such as selling us deodorant which makes our underarm skin tone appear more even.”

    She says the multi-billion pound beauty industry “thrives on making women’s bodies appear to be a flawed commodity which cosmetics can fix”. As part of her research, Ringrow studied more than 400 beauty ads in Cosmopolitan and Elle magazines over a six-month period in 2011. She noted subtle linguistic differences in tone and language in French and English advertisements but the underlying messages were similar.

    Ringrow said: “The advertisements tell women that their bodies need endless work and that they are not quite good enough without the use of cosmetics.” She also added the advertising also relied heavily on scientific language, saying: “Women are bombarded by a cocktail of scientific words, sex and youthfulness in cosmetics advertising.

    “You’ll find bold claims for the power of something scientific-sounding, like peptides or bio-proteins, which are not always proven, especially not in the small quantities in which they are found in many cosmetics products.”

    Ringrow has revealed the results of her research in a book titled The Language of Cosmetics Advertising, published by Palgrave.



  • @YvesRocherFR accentue son développement à l’international | #beaute #cosmetique #promiseconsulting-blog



    Spécialisée dans la distribution de produits cosmétiques, l’enseigne Yves Rocher, célèbre aux quatre coins du globe, continue d’affirmer son leadership dans ce secteur d’activité. La marque à récemment fait acquisition de l’enseigne israélienne Sabon, connue pour ses savons artisanaux découpés devant le client. Une acquisition qui s’inscrit dans la politique du groupe qui souhaite désormais réaliser (d’ici dix ans) 50% de ses ventes hors de la zone euro.

    Avec l’acquisition de la marque Sabon (dont les revenus sont estimés à 100 millions d’euros, et qui compte près de 165 magasins implantés à travers le monde notamment au Japon et aux Etats-Unis), l’enseigne Yves Rocher affirme une fois de plus son ambition de conquérir le marché international. Positionné sur un marché très porteur, l’enseigne poursuit son développement à travers le monde à un rythme effréné. Ciblant actuellement des pays émergents tels que le Mexique et l’Afrique (où le groupe a déjà quelques partenariats), Yves Rocher ambitionne de réaliser d’ici 10 ans, la moitié de ses ventes hors de la zone euro comme le révèle le PDG du groupe, Bris Rocher, dans une interview accordée aux Echos« Les deux tiers de notre chiffre d'affaires se font aujourd'hui en zone euro. Ce n'est pas forcément la région la plus dynamique. Notre objectif est de réaliser la moitié de nos ventes hors de ce périmètre dans les dix ans. »

    Désormais incontournable dans le secteur de la cosmétique, le réseau Yves Rocher accentue un peu plus son développement sur le marché international avec l’intégration de Sabon, qui offre au groupe l’occasion de faire du Japon son septième marché le plus productif. 

  • @EsteeLauder finalise l'acquisition de Too Faced | via @boursorama | @TooFaced #promiseconsulting-blog


    (AOF) - The Estée Lauder Companies a finalisé l'acquisition de Too Faced pour 1,45 milliard de dollars. Le groupe de cosmétique souhaite, avec ce rachat, conquérir la génération des 20-35 ans et renforcer sa stratégie multi-canal et son leadership sur le segment en forte croissance du maquillage dit de prestige.

    John Demsey, Executive Group President chez The Estée Lauder Companies, ajoutera Too Faced au portefeuille des marques qu'il supervise. Ciblant la génération Y, Too Faced propose une gamme de produits cosmétiques pour les yeux, le visage et les lèvres. La société a plus de 7,3 millions d'adeptes Instagram et fait partie des huit premières marques de maquillage dans le canal multi-chaîne aux États-Unis.

    Ces dernières années, Too Faced connaît une croissance impressionnante et devrait réaliser un chiffre d'affaires net de plus de 270 millions de dollars en 2016. Cela représente une croissance de plus de 70 % sur l'année et de 60 % en composé annuel sur les trois dernières années.