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@Clarins targets #Asian consumers with skin whitening range [#skinwhitening #skincare #targetconsumers]

Clarins targets Asian consumers with skin whitening range

By Lucy Whitehouse +, 30-Mar-2016, cosmeticsdesign-asia

Premium skin care brand Clarins has spoken of its focus on skin whitening in its strategy to target Asian consumers.

With their recent launch of the Clarins White Plus Pure Translucency Tri-Intensive Brightening Serum the management intended to meet Asian women’s needs.

According to Datamonitor, half of the interrogated Asian women declare skin whitening benefits as essential skin care products, whereas the percentage in North America accounts only for 24% and 22% in Western Europe.

Furthermore, Euromonitor has found out that the demand for male-specific skin care products in Asia is leading the rise of the segment globally. The firm’s analyst points out that “The majority of growth is coming from the skin care inclined Asia pacific region, however, upcoming emerging markets in men’s skin care include Latin America”.


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