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generation z

  • Luxury Brands Seek a Way Into Generation | #generationZ #luxury @adetem



    Millennials, the much-studied generation whose behavior has seduced and puzzled luxury brands in equal measure, are no longer the sole focus for companies hoping to attract new customers: Generation Z, the label given to those born since 1995, is the latest target audience, thanks to their future purchasing power and the influence they hold over the spending of their parents and grandparents.

    Unlike their older peers, who have watched technology gradually embed itself in their daily lives, members of Generation Z are known as “digital natives”: those who cannot remember what it is like to not have a cellphone permanently attached to their hand.

    “This is an impulsive group who will turn adverts off, call BS really easily and hate being talked down to,” said Meridith Valiando Rojas, co-founder and chief executive of DigiTour Media, a Los Angeles-based group that has led the way in a booming events trend in live entertainment. “They know there is always something else out there as they have always had that information at their fingertips. That is hard for many brands to contend with.”

    DigiTour Media hosts festivals where social media stars step out from behind their bedroom webcams and meet their teenage fan base. The festivals showcase people who have created mass followings on YouTube, Instagram and Music.ly, the lip-syncing app with over 100 million monthly users and that anyone over 21 is unlikely to have heard of. DigiTour Media group now puts on approximately 200 events a year, comprising both DigiFests (one- or two-day showcases) or DigiTours (groups of performers who rove the United States). The combined reach of the acts is 350 million people.

    “It is all about bringing the internet to life — their internet to life,” said Ms. Valiando Rojas at The New York Times’s Global Leaders’ Collective conference, held in Washington this past week. A former music executive, she recognized in 2010 that there was no equivalent of a music festival on the market for younger teenagers. She also saw that when it came to hormone-fueled popularity, 21st-century social media stars had as much clout as the biggest boy bands.

    “Generation Z are the most influential group of consumers right now. Whether or not they are buying luxury today, they will be tomorrow,” Ms. Valiando Rojas said. “So understanding where they think, where they go and how to advertise to them without rubbing them up the wrong way is crucial.”

    That more and more people are looking for experience-led luxury purchases over products is another factor in why brands should be looking to build relationships with this demographic, both on and off their phones.

    There is a distinction between Generation Z and millennials in how they behave within their social media communities. Millennials are keen to be unique, but members of Generation Z want to be popular and part of a group. Having grown up immersed in social media, members of Generation Z define their identity by how many “Likes’’ they get on Facebook or how many followers they have. They see their online personalities as extensions of themselves

    “That is why these influencers are so important: Teenagers today trust these voices,” Ms. Valiando Rojas said, adding that she booked acts based on their popularity and what the followers of her company’s social media accounts suggested. She pointed to Baby Ariel (age 16), Jacob Sartorius (age 14) and the Dolan Twins (age 16) as some of the biggest names to watch.

  • Génération Z : quelles clés pour séduire la nouvelle vague ? [#GenZ #luxe #fashion]

    Aucune marque de luxe ne fait « rêver » la génération Z. C’est l’un des enseignements d’une enquête menée par Google et l'agence NellyRodi, qui tente de dresser le portrait de ces jeunes consommateurs qui n’auraient que pour principal trait commun de n’avoir pas connu le monde avant Internet et le 11 septembre 2001.

    « C’est une génération qui voit le monde en horizontalité, en réseau, et économie collaborative », pointe ainsi Alexandra Jubé, responsable Insight et Digital de NellyRodi, « tout en ayant grandi en ayant parlé de terrorisme, de réchauffement climatique, de précarité. Ils ont connu un société en crise permanente ».

    Sept spécificités aideraient à comprendre les Z, et les moyens pour les marques d’en tirer parti. Le « Now », tout d’abord, soulignant une quête d’immédiateté et de fluidité, que symbolise notamment l’application Snapchat, qui propose sans cesse des nouveautés pour stimuler constamment les interactions. Notion que l’on retrouve dans le débat entourant la mise à la vente des collections directement à l’issue des défilés de Fashion Weeks. De simples « prémices », pour Nelly Rodi.

    Arrive ensuite la notion de « Care », les Z ayant grandi avec une défiance des élites et un sentiment de mission. Un besoin d’engagement personnel, mais aussi de la part des marques, dont s’emparent des dispositifs comme Goodeed, qui permet de connaître l’origine des produits photographiés. Ou encore H&M, via une campagne incitant au recyclage, mais sous l’angle du style et non pas de la fabrication elle-même. « C’est détourner le message premier pour mieux le raconter d’une autre façon. »

    La notion de « Clan » a de son côté pris de l’ampleur. Décriés pour avoir établi des relations avec des amis qu’ils ne rencontrent jamais, les Z seraient pourtant moins individualistes que leurs aïeux, selon NellyRodi. Qui prend pour exemple la mésaventure de l’animateur Jimmy Kimmel qui, se moquant des YouTubeurs, entraîna dans l’instant la création d’un front commun solidaire de ces derniers à travers une levée de boucliers éclair sur les réseaux sociaux.

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