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Dans le Monde - Page 45

  • Tomy #Hilfiger conçoit des lignes de vêtements pour des enfants #handicapés [#luxe #marque #handicap #rse]

    De plus en plus, la mode essaye de représenter la vraie vie. Tommy Hilfiger propose la première ligne de vêtements qui s’adaptent aux handicaps

    Certains handicaps ne permettent pas aux enfants de s’habiller comme ils le voudraient. Qu’ils soient trop compliqués à enfiler ou difficiles à fermer, les vêtements sont souvent conçus d’après des standards qui font l’impasse sur quelques réalités.

    Tommy Hilfiger y remédie dans une collection complètement adaptable aux handicaps. A l’origine de cette initiative, une collaboration avec l’association fondée par Mindy Scheier en 2013, Runway of Dreams. Mindy Scheier, maman d’un petit garçon atteint d’une dystrophie musculaire, s’est rendue compte que si les mannequins ont tendance à se diversifier, les marques n’adaptent pas vraiment leurs vêtements aux besoins particuliers des clients. « Mon fils voulait vraiment porter des jeans, comme les autres enfants. Ça ne lui était même pas venu à l’esprit que ça n’était pas une option pour lui ».

    C’est assez naturellement que Mindy Scheier s’est rapprochée de Tommy Hilfiger. « C’est une marque orientée sur la famille ». La première étape de cette collaboration a été de remplacer les fermetures éclair et les boutons par MagnaReady®, un système d’aimants qui permet de s’habiller plus facilement. « Nous avons toujours célébré la diversité chez nos consommateurs », explique Gary Sheinbaum, CEO de Tommy Hilfiger Americas. « Runway of Dreams nous a aidé à mieux comprendre les besoins liés aux handicaps, et nous voulons pouvoir mieux y répondre ».

    Une jolie initiative. Mindy Scheier espère qu’elle ne s’arrêtera pas là. « Mon rêve, c’est que tout le monde puisse avoir une marque qui s’adapte à sa vie, (…) que tout le monde puisse avoir une option adaptée »

  • #Luxury goods spending by #Chinese #tourists down 24 per cent in March: #GlobalBlue [#promiseconsulting]

    PARIS - Spending on luxury goods by Chinese shoppers abroad fell last month for the first time since such records began in 2010, leading to the worst ever monthly result for the luxury goods industry's tourist sales, retail tax-refund services company Global Blue said on Friday. 

    Spending by Chinese tourists in March tumbled 24 per cent, dragged down by a 35 per cent year-on-year drop in Europe, where the Paris and Brussels attacks have kept some tourists away.

    A reduction in the price gap with Europe has also lifted spending within China.

    "The slowdown in Europe is due to a tougher comparison, the impact of the terrorist strikes and the effect of the introduction of biometric visas, although the overall growth of the Chinese consumer globally has slowed and remains a concern,"Barclays analysts said of the figures.

    Global Blue data showed that overall tourist spending on luxury items fell 14 per cent in March after rising 4 per cent in February.

    The firm's figures do not include tourism spending in the United States, Hong Kong and Dubai, which do not have value-added tax refund systems.

    Luxury goods industry leader LVMH and British luxury fashion brand Burberry both said this week that they had seen a drop in tourist spending in continental Europe.

    For some big luxury brands such as Cartier and Louis Vuitton tourists account for more than 50 per cent of customers in certain European markets. Chinese consumers account for almost a third of the global luxury goods market.

    After the attacks on Brussels and Paris, LVMH said there had been fewer visitors travelling to Europe "from the East", its term for Russia and Asia. Burberry added that tough market conditions would hit profit in the year ahead.

    Global Blue said Russian tourist spending fell 22 per cent last month, weighed on by a drop in the value of the rouble and the weak home economy which has been hit by lower oil prices and continuing international sanctions over Ukraine.

    Last week consultancy Bain & Co forecast that the luxury goods market would reach a low point this year, due to lower levels of tourists travelling to Europe, depressed trading in Hong Kong, weaker demand in China and a relatively subdued US market.


  • #Luxe : qui sont les "gagnants" et les "perdants" d'une année #2015 tourmentée ?

    Par Marina Torre, La Tribune, @Marina_To

    En dépit des attentats en France et en Belgique et du ralentissement chinois, les grandes marques de luxe européennes restent largement bénéficiaires. Dans le détail, toutes les catégories de produits et acteurs ne sont pas logées à la même enseigne.

    Les magasins de luxe attirent peut-être une foule moins nombreuse qu'auparavant depuis les attentats. Mais les investisseurs restent aux aguets. Ainsi, le titre LVMH, qui a publié le 12 avril des résultats trimestriels inférieurs aux attentes pour la mode et la maroquinerie, fait-il partie des plus prisés du CAC 40 au lendemain de cette annonce.

    "L'environnement est très difficile en raison des attentats. Les magasins à Paris enregistrent des baisses de fréquentation à deux chiffres chez Louis Vuitton. Mais malgré tout, hors Donna Karan, la croissance atteint 2% sur la mode et la maroquinerie? Je dis j'achète!", commente Caroline Reyl, gérante du fonds Pictet-Premium Brands, lors d'une conférence.


    L'horlogerie en perte de vitesse
    A plus long terme, la croissance, toujours présente, tend à se stabiliser à un niveau plus bas qu'auparavant sous l'effet de "l'atterrissage" chinois. Le secteur de l'horlogerie, en particulier à Hong Kong, reste très affecté par des lois anti-corruption. En outre, l'an dernier, les groupes de luxe suisses en particulier ont eu à essuyer les effets de la suppression du taux plancher du franc suisse face à l'euro. Touché de plein fouet, le groupe Richemont réorganise la direction de plusieurs marques etprévoit des suppressions de poste en Suisse.

    Toutefois, certains segments de l'horlogerie suscitent encore des espoirs comme les produits très haut de gamme, ou bien encore les montres connectées.

    >> "L'horlogerie n'est pas en crise, c'est le monde qui l'est"

    La digitalisation, un critère
    Dernier point qui semble de plus en plus faire la différence: l'e-commerce. Le luxe s'est longtemps montré réticent à se digitaliser. Les craintes? Que l'image de marque soit ternie en raison d'un service moins à la hauteur de leurs ambitions, de pressions à la baisse sur les prix, ces derniers représentant un élément-clé dans la catégorisation des produits de luxe. Mais l'appétence des consommateurs pour les nouveaux moyens d'achat ont eu raison de leurs réticentes. La distribution en ligne continue donc de se développer rapidement. De façon internalisée ou externalisée, notamment via Yoox-Net-a-Porter, plateforme codétenue par Richemont, ou internalisée.

    >> Les marques de luxe cèdent (discrètement) aux sirènes de la vente en ligne

    Au point même que la précocité de leur adoption des stratégies digitales devient un critère de distinction pour certains investisseurs. "Prada ne voulait pas en entendre parler", assure l'un d'eux qui juge un peu "tardifs" les choix de la marque en la matière. La direction de Prada a annoncé lors d'une conférence avec des analystes financiers le 11 avril son intention de développer ses ventes en ligne, notamment via un partenariat avec Yoox-Net-A-Porter.

    Une décision dévoilée en même temps que ses résultats en berne. Le bénéfice net de la griffe a en effet baissé de 6,5%, à 330,9 millions d'euros (359,8 millions de francs) au cours de son exercice 2015/2016 (achevé fin janvier 2016).

    Finalement, les plateformes de vente en ligne de luxe semblent le mieux tirer leur épingle du jeu. Ainsi Net-a-Porter, la marque d'origine britannique du groupe né de la fusion avec le site italien Yoox vient-il de signer un autre partenariat de taille, avec le joaillier Tiffany's.


  • SK-II Addresses China’s Leftover Women in ‘Marriage Market Takeover’ Film [#SKII #changedestiny campaign #ad #china #skincare]

    April 7, 2016 from Jing Daily

    A new ad campaign by luxury cosmetics brand SK-II addresses a social issue in China that doesn’t usually receive much attention in the country’s commercial scene: the plight of sheng nu, or “leftover women.”

    20160409 0751.png

    If one wasn’t aware of how twenty-something single women are traditionally viewed by their parents’ generation in China, the start of the four-minute-long video ad strikingly makes it clear. It begins by juxtaposing a montage of photographs of young girls with audio phrases from their parents, such as, “I won’t die in peace unless you are married,” “Don’t be so free willed,” and “You’re too picky.”

    Chinese women are put under an incredible amount of social pressure to get married, so much so that businesses pop up around Chinese New Year that give single women (and men) the opportunity to rent a boyfriend or girlfriend to fool and appease their family over the holidays. The term sheng nu is a derogatory one used for those who haven’t found a husband by their mid to late twenties.

    For the women featured in the film, this term brings on feelings of guilt. “Not getting married is a sign of disrespect,” says one woman before tearfully apologizing to the camera for disappointing her family.

    Then, in an emotional turn of events, the women head to the Marriage Market in Shanghai, where parents normally go to browse the “resumes” of potential suitors for their daughters. This time, however, the women would be the ones delivering a message to their parents.

    The parents find beautiful photos of the women at the market, each paired with statements of confidence like, “I don’t want to get married just for the sake of marriage. I won’t live happily that way.”

    This touching film, produced by Swedish ad agency Forsman & Bodenfors, is the latest installment of SK-II’s global #changedestiny campaign, which encourages women to “change their DNA” to take control of their future. SK-II’s website has additional short films that show women having courage to change their DNA, including one starring Chinese actress Tang Wei and another featuring Chief Strategy Officer for Ebay Greater China Vvivi Hu.

    In the case of the sheng nu campaign, the confident subjects behind #changedestiny speaks volumes to affluent Chinese women. A 2014 report by Grant Thornton International showed that about 63 percent of Chinese businesses have female CFOs, and women are going to great lengths to have their own eggs frozen so that they can put things like having children—and marriage—second to their successful careers.

    So far, the “Marriage Market Takeover” Youtube video has more than 250,000 hits after two days of being released, and its WeChat post is quickly catching up with more than 100,000 pageviews and a growing number of comments of encouragement from supportive fans.


    Brand Director: Kylene Campos
    Art Direction: Sophia Lindholm and Karina Ullensvang
    Director: Floyd Russ
    Digital Producer: Peter Gaudiano
    Film Editor: Cut + Run
    Production: Tool of North America
    Producer: Alexander Blidner


  • SK-II Addresses China’s Leftover Women in ‘Marriage Market Takeover’ Film [#SKII #changedestiny campaign #ad #china #skincare]

     April 7, 20, Jing Daily

    “I won’t die in peace unless you are married,” says one parent in new SK-II ad about “leftover women” in China

    skII, china, cosmetics, ad, campaign, change your destiny

    A new ad campaign by luxury cosmetics brand SK-II addresses a social issue in China that doesn’t usually receive much attention in the country’s commercial scene: the plight of sheng nu, or “leftover women.

    If one wasn’t aware of how twenty-something single women are traditionally viewed by their parents’ generation in China, the start of the four-minute-long video ad strikingly makes it clear. It begins by juxtaposing a montage of photographs of young girls with audio phrases from their parents, such as, “I won’t die in peace unless you are married,” “Don’t be so free willed,” and “You’re too picky.”

    Chinese women are put under an incredible amount of social pressure to get married, so much so that businesses pop up around Chinese New Year that give single women (and men) the opportunity to rent a boyfriend or girlfriend to fool and appease their family over the holidays. The term sheng nu is a derogatory one used for those who haven’t found a husband by their mid to late twenties.

    For the women featured in the film, this term brings on feelings of guilt. “Not getting married is a sign of disrespect,” says one woman before tearfully apologizing to the camera for disappointing her family.

    Then, in an emotional turn of events, the women head to the Marriage Market in Shanghai, where parents normally go to browse the “resumes” of potential suitors for their daughters. This time, however, the women would be the ones delivering a message to their parents.

    The parents find beautiful photos of the women at the market, each paired with statements of confidence like, “I don’t want to get married just for the sake of marriage. I won’t live happily that way.”

    This touching film, produced by Swedish ad agency Forsman & Bodenfors, is the latest installment of SK-II’s global #changedestiny campaign, which encourages women to “change their DNA” to take control of their future. SK-II’s website has additional short films that show women having courage to change their DNA, including one starring Chinese actress Tang Wei and another featuring Chief Strategy Officer for Ebay Greater China Vvivi Hu.

    In the case of the sheng nu campaign, the confident subjects behind #changedestiny speaks volumes to affluent Chinese women. A 2014 report by Grant Thornton International showed that about 63 percent of Chinese businesses have female CFOs, and women are going to great lengths to have their own eggs frozen so that they can put things like having children—and marriage—second to their successful careers.

    So far, the “Marriage Market Takeover” Youtube video has more than 250,000 hits after two days of being released, and its WeChat post is quickly catching up with more than 100,000 pageviews and a growing number of comments of encouragement from supportive fans.


    Brand Director: Kylene Campos
    Art Direction: Sophia Lindholm and Karina Ullensvang
    Director: Floyd Russ
    Digital Producer: Peter Gaudiano
    Film Editor: Cut + Run
    Production: Tool of North America
    Producer: Alexander Blidner