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  • China's Top 10 Social Media [#chine #digital #marketing #communication]

    Publié sur Linkedinfluence.com, 12/02/2016


    QQ has the largest user base, with almost 1 billion active monthly users. It holds the world record for simultaneous connection to its platform with 210 million users connected at the same time on 3rd of July 2014 at 12:52pm.

    2- WECHAT

    WeChat has surpassed the simple functions of an ordinary communication platform, with users booking taxis, tables and flights, transferring money, making investments, shopping and much more. It has an innovative goal to connect everything.

    Over 8 billion “red envelopes” were sent over WeChat during Chinese New Year 2016. The app accommodated more online transactions over the Chinese New Year period than Paypal had throughout the entirety of 2015.


    Sina Weibo attracts the largest number of companies, organisations, public figures and celebrities, each desiring direct communication with consumers, it is often dubbed as “The Twitter of China”.


    Baidu Tieba plays host to online Chinese communities and is part of the Baidu group. Baidu is China’s most used and most influential search engine.

    5- DOUBAN

    Douban is the primary review based social network site in China. Chinese consumers are strongly influenced by personal recommendations and so content on this platform can largely impact brand/product credibility.


    Renren is a classic platform, with almost 100 million active monthly users. It belongs to the first generation of Chinese social media, and was one of the first real-name registration social networking services in China. However due to the platform struggling to capitalise from this approach, it is steering towards becoming more of an online gaming portal.

    7- PENGYOU

    Pengyou (“friends” in English) is a Chinese social discovery website founded in 2010. It allows users to connect with other users and adopts a very Facebook-like approach to social networking.

    8- KAIXIN

    Kaixin is a Chinese social networking service with an audience demographic of white-collar city workers. Its integrated features include blogging, photo sharing, and gaming.


    Diandian is a basic light blogging social community that enables users to post text, videos, images and other forms of content.

    10- JIAYUAN

    Jiayuan is a user-focused online dating platform in China.




  • Promise-BNP Exane Barometer on Luxury Brands in China : the Luxury International Press echoes results [#luxury #fashion #bnpexane #promiseconsulting]

    [Extracts - More to follow]

    Chanel most desirable brand among Chinese affluents: report

    china,marketing,luxury,brand,fashion,chinese,wealth,exclusivity,desirability,promise consulting

    Exclusivity and desirability go hand in hand for China’s wealthy, with the same brands ranked in the top five for both characteristics in a new study by Promise Consulting and BNP Exane. Hermès takes home top prize for exclusivity, which measures the consistent quality of goods, the brand’s prestige, the valuation of the brand’s customers and its ability to justify a high price point. Chinese consumers are generally becoming more sophisticated luxury consumers, making for tougher competition between labels for their attention and affection.


     china,marketing,luxury,brand,fashion,chinese,wealth,exclusivity,desirability,promise consulting

    Chanel most desirable Brand among Chinese Affluents

    Exclusivity and desirability go hand in hand for China’s wealthy, with the same brands ranked in the top five for both characteristics in a new study by Promise Consulting and BNP Exane.

    Hermès takes home top prize for exclusivity, which measures the consistent quality of goods, the brand’s prestige, the valuation of the brand’s customers and its ability to justify a high price point. Chinese consumers are generally becoming more sophisticated luxury consumers, making for tougher competition between labels for their attention and affection.

    Promise Consulting and BNP Exane’s “Exclusivity and Desirability Barometer” surveyed 600 women among the top 3 percent of households in China in September 2015, asking them about the 30 brands across ready-to-wear, footwear, leather goods and accessories which have made the most investments in communication in the market. This is a follow-up to a survey of French women conducted in May 2015.


    il sole 24 ore, china,marketing,luxury,brand,fashion,chinese,wealth,exclusivity,desirability,promise consulting

    Unicità, qualità e design spingono i brand in Cina. Hermès, Chanel e Prada tra i top

    Il tempo per sé, il rispetto per l'ambiente, l'unicità di un oggetto: la definizione di “lusso” può essere la più personale, ma difficilmente non includerà due aspetti, l'esclusività e la desiderabilità. Due concetti che i brand dell'alta gamma, come alchimisti, cercano di combinare in un equilibrio perfetto, armonizzando due necessità, quella di produrre sogni e ricavi. “Measuring Brand Exclusivity and Desirability - China ” è proprio il nome di un report pubblicato da Promise Consulting e da Bnp Exane, cha indaga quali sono i brand del lusso più esclusivi e desiderabili in Cina, mercato chiave dell'alta gamma: il campione preso in esame è stato di 607 donne fra i 18 e i 54 anni, residenti della Mainland China (che comprende Great China e Hong Kong), con un reddito medio mensile superiore a 20.000 yuan, (circa 2.700 euro), cifra elevatissima se si considera che il reddito medio dei cittadini cinesi nel 2015, secondo il China Statistics Bureau, è stato di 21.996 yuan all'anno.




    china,marketing,luxury,brand,fashion,chinese,wealth,exclusivity,desirability,promise consulting

    Barometro Promise - BNP Exane "Esclusività e desiderabilità" 2015: le più ricche donne cinesi stilano una classifica dei brand del lusso

    Secondo alcuni, quando la Cina starnutisce, il resto del mondo si ammala, eppure i più grandi brand del lusso si stanno affermando in Cina, trasformandosi nei più esclusivi oggetti del desiderio delle ricche donne cinesi. Tuttavia la nostra classifica rivela anche una concorrenza ancor più forte, accentuata dalla crescente maturità dei clienti facoltosi. Questo barometro di Promise Consulting / BNP Exane stila una classifica dei 15 brand più esclusivi e desiderabili in Cina legati all'universo della moda femminile. Il Barometro è condotto tra le donne cinesi più ricche, e analizza i 30 brand del lusso di prêt-à-porter/borse/scarpe/accessori che hanno investito maggiormente nella comunicazione (fonte: Industry Interviews, Exane Paribas).


    china,marketing,luxury,brand,fashion,chinese,wealth,exclusivity,desirability,promise consulting

    Louis Vuitton’s positive Chinese placement a result of slow, steady growth

    In the short term, French apparel and accessories brand Louis Vuitton is on pace to have the best momentum among luxury houses during the Year of the Monkey, per Exane BNP Paribas.

    Exane BNP Paribas’ “Chinese Luxury: The Year of Monkey Business” report looks at the current economic climate of China and how the slowdown is impacting luxury brands with a presence in the Mainland and Hong Kong markets. While many brands are concerned regarding the slowdown in Chinese spending, the financial firm suggests that growth for 2016 will match the year-ago.


    china,marketing,luxury,brand,fashion,chinese,wealth,exclusivity,desirability,promise consulting


    How do Chinese women really feel about that next big luxury collection out on the market? Exane, a France-based investment company, has attempted to answer this question with a quantitative analysis of the Chinese shopper’s true desires when it comes to purchasing luxury brands.

    The primary findings aren’t news per se, at least according to most market reports. They reveal that luxury stalwarts like Chanel, Dior, and Hermès are what Chinese shoppers think about most when they go to sleep at night—it’s not surprising, then, that Apple looked to Hermès’ timeless leather designs for its latest wearable tech collaboration that attracted droves of China’s fashion-savvy.


    china,marketing,luxury,brand,fashion,chinese,wealth,exclusivity,desirability,promise consulting

    Classement des marques de luxe préférées des Chinoises fortunées : BNP Exane et Promise Consulting dévoilent le classement des marques de luxe par les Chinoises fortunées. Chanel et Hermès arrivent en tête du classement.

    En collaboration avec BNP Exane, Promise Consulting, société de conseil et d'études en marketing, publie les résultats de la 2ème vague du Baromètre Promise Consulting - BNP Exane " Exclusivité & Désirabilité 2015 ". Ce baromètre met en avant les 15 premières marques jugées les plus exclusives et les plus désirables en Chine dans l’univers de la Mode féminine. Ce Baromètre est établi auprès des femmes chinoises les plus fortunées et porte sur les 30 marques de prêt-à-porter, sacs, chaussures et accessoires dans l’univers du luxe qui ont le plus fortement investi en communication (Source : Industry Interviews, Exane Paribas). Promise Consulting et BNP Exane avaient conduit la même étude auprès des femmes Françaises au cours du mois de Mai 2015.


    china,marketing,luxury,brand,fashion,chinese,wealth,exclusivity,desirability,promise consulting

    Cina, le donne ricche adorano il lusso francese

    Le maison francesi dominano per esclusività e i marchi più esclusivi sono anche i più ambiti. È questo l’identikit del desiderio per le donne cinesi. Un’indagine di Promise Consulting e BNP Exane stila una classifica dei 15 brand più esclusivi e desiderabili in Cina legati all’universo della moda femminile. Una classifica che rivela anche una concorrenza sempre più forte, accentuata dalla crescente maturità delle clienti facoltose, il 3% della popolazione che appartiene alla fascia più ricca.


    china,marketing,luxury,brand,fashion,chinese,wealth,exclusivity,desirability,promise consulting

    Chanel most desirable brand among Chinese affluents: report - Luxury Daily - Research

    Chanel’s interlocking C’s Exclusivity and desirability go hand in hand for China’s wealthy, with the same brands ranked in the top five for both characteristics in a new study by Promise Consulting and BNP Exane. Hermès takes home top prize for exclusivity, which measures the consistent quality of goods, the brand’s prestige, the valuation of the brand’s customers and its ability to justify a high price point. Chinese consumers are generally becoming more sophisticated luxury consumers, making for tougher competition between labels for their attention and affection. Promise Consulting and BNP Exane’s “Exclusivity and Desirability Barometer” surveyed (...)


    china,marketing,luxury,brand,fashion,chinese,wealth,exclusivity,desirability,promise consulting

    Barometer Promise - BNP Exane "Exclusivity & Desirability" 2015: The Wealthiest Chinese Women Rank Luxury Brands

    Some say that when China sneezes the rest of the world catches cold, butthe biggest luxury brands are catching on in China, becoming the most exclusive and desirable ones in fashion according to the wealthiest Chinese women. Still, our ranking also reveals a stronger competition that is accentuated by the wealthy customers' increasingly stronger maturity. This barometer Promise Consulting / BNP Exane classifies the 15 most exclusive and desirable brands in China in the universe of feminine Fashion (...)


    china,marketing,luxury,brand,fashion,chinese,wealth,exclusivity,desirability,promise consulting

    Barometer Promise - BNP Exane "Exclusivity & Desirability" 2015: The Wealthiest Chinese Women Rank Luxury Brands

    "This barometer in association with BNP Exane reflects our determination to move closer to the marketing and cross-section financial analysis. Our Monitoring Brand Assets® approach itself features very complementary analyzes with those conducted by BNP Exane's experts. Hence, the obtained results from our joined barometer are based on two different angles of expertise, marketing and financial, which brings a unique added value to the managers and decision-makers inthe Luxury sector (...)" [Philippe Jourdan, CEO]


    china,marketing,luxury,brand,fashion,chinese,wealth,exclusivity,desirability,promise consulting

    Barometro Promise - BNP Exane "Esclusività e desiderabilità" 2015: le più ricche donne cinesi stilano una classifica dei brand del lusso

    "Questo barometro in collaborazione con BNP Exane riflette la nostra determinazione ad avvicinarci all'analisi di marketing e all'analisi finanziaria cross-section. Il nostro approccio Monitoring Brand Assets® tiene conto sia delle analisi complementari che di quelle condotte dagli esperti di BNP Exane. Ecco perché i risultati così ottenuti si fondano su due diverse prospettive, sia di marketing che finanziarie, offrendo così uno straordinario valore aggiunto ai manager e ai decision-maker nel settore del lusso. (...) [Philippe Jourdan, CEO]


    china,marketing,luxury,brand,fashion,chinese,wealth,exclusivity,desirability,promise consulting

    Promise Consulting se penche sur la désirabilité des marques de luxe en Chine

    Le cabinet de conseil et d'études en marketing Promise Consulting collabore à nouveau avec BNP Exane afin de faire ressortir le classement des marques de luxe jugées les plus « exclusives » par les clientes sur le territoire chinois. Ce baromètre a été établi auprès de 600 femmes chinoises (18-54 ans) appartenant aux 3% de foyers aux revenus les plus élevés, et porte sur les 30 marques de luxe, prêt-à-porter, accessoires et maroquinerie confondus, qui ont réalisé les plus gros investissements en matière de communication.


    china,marketing,luxury,brand,fashion,chinese,wealth,exclusivity,desirability,promise consulting

    Enquête : L’Exclusivité et la Désirabilité des marques de luxe en 2015

    Les résultats d’une grande enquête sur le luxe viennent d’être révélés par le cabinet Promise Consulting. Ce baromètre réalisé en partenariat avec BNP Exane a rapproché la vision marketing et la vision financière et porte sur 15 marques de luxe dans l’univers de la mode.

    Chanel remporte tous les suffrages dans les deux études
    « Le raffinement de ses collections de Haute Couture, le succès de ses collections Croisière et Prêt-à-porter, l’hommage rendu aux Métiers d’Art dans une ville différente chaque année, l’investissement dans le domaine de la Haute Joaillerie depuis 1987 participent à l’ascension de la marque au tout premier plan. Ce résultat n’est donc pas surprenant et récompense un investissement conséquent, cohérent, maintenu dans la durée et très qualitatif » explique Philippe Jourdan, CEO de Promise Consulting.


    china,marketing,luxury,brand,fashion,chinese,wealth,exclusivity,desirability,promise consulting



    china,marketing,luxury,brand,fashion,chinese,wealth,exclusivity,desirability,promise consulting

    Some say that when China sneezes the rest of the world catches cold, but the biggest luxury brands are catching on in China, becoming the most exclusive and desirable ones in fashion according to the wealthiest Chinese women. Still, our ranking also reveals a stronger competition that is accentuated by the wealthy customers’ increasingly stronger maturity. This barometer Promise Consulting / BNP Exane classifies the 15 most exclusive and desirable brands in China in the universe of feminine Fashion.


    china,marketing,luxury,brand,fashion,chinese,wealth,exclusivity,desirability,promise consulting

    Chinese consumers love their Chanel and Hermès – 7/2/16

    Exclusivity and desirability go hand in hand for China’s wealthy, with the same brands ranked in the top five for both characteristics in a new study by Promise Consulting and BNP Exane. Luxury Daily reports that French luxury house Hermès takes home top prize for exclusivity, which measures the consistent quality of goods, the brand’s prestige, the valuation of the brand’s customers and its ability to justify a high price point.


    china,marketing,luxury,brand,fashion,chinese,wealth,exclusivity,desirability,promise consulting

    Barometer Promise - BNP Exane "Exclusivity & Desirability" 2015: The Wealthiest Chinese Women Rank Luxury Brands

    Some say that when China sneezes the rest of the world catches cold, but the biggest luxury brands are catching on in China, becoming the most exclusive and desirable ones in fashion according to the wealthiest Chinese women. Still, our ranking also reveals a stronger competition that is accentuated by the wealthy customers' increasingly stronger maturity. This barometer Promise Consulting / BNP Exane classifies the 15 most exclusive and desirable brands in China in the universe of feminine Fashion. (...)














  • Promise-BNP Exane Barometer on Luxury Brands in China : The Year of the Monkey favorable to Louis Vuitton [#chanel #louisvuitton #bnpexane #promiseconsulting]

    Following the success of our barometer in partnership with BNP Exane, Promise Consulting conducted at the end of 2015 a wave on the Chinese market : the wealthiest women in China ranked the Exclusvity & the Desirability of top luxury brands in the fashion universe.

    A widespread diffusion of the results in China, UK and Italy higligths the growing popularity of this barometer and the growing interest of professionals and decision--makets in these sector. This barometer will become the benchmark for performance evaluation of luxury brands in the world.

    Paris, 2016, 02 February. Some say that when China sneezes the rest of the world catches cold, but the biggest luxury brands are catching on in China, becoming the most exclusive and desirable ones in fashion according to the wealthiest Chinese women. Still, our ranking also reveals a stronger competition that is accentuated by the wealthy customers’ increasingly stronger maturity. This barometer Promise Consulting / BNP Exane classifies the 15 most exclusive and desirable brands in China in the universe of feminine Fashion. This Barometer is conducted amongst the wealthiest Chinese women, and is about the 30 luxury brands in ready-to-wear/handbags/shoes/accessories that have invested the most in communication (source: Industry Interviews, Exane Paribas). Promise and BNP Exane already conducted the same survey amongst French women in May 2015 (http://bit.ly/1ESTZGu) and forecast to conduct 3 to 4 waves per year in different countries (next to follow is an edition for the US Fashion Top brands).